The art of storytelling has been around for as long as there have been human beings. Everyone loves hearing and telling stories. It is part of what makes us human. Stories may have evolved since the earliest cave paintings but there has remained one constant: our need for, and the pleasure we take from, a story well told. That is what makes storytelling not only powerful but memorable. Opportunities to tell your story are everywhere. Stories help cut through all of the noise that exists in our world and connect with your customers. I can help you do that.
Social Media
Your customers are waiting to engage with you. You have two choices: ignore them or engage with them. Social media is not about pushing your message to your audience. It’s about listening, engaging and delivering the content that they want. Unique content tailored to your audience designed to promote engagement and increase exposure is what I specialize in.
I’m a car guy. I’ve been there and I’ve done it. I’ve sold 40 cars a month. I’ve built a 30 person BDC and successfully managed Internet Departments for large auto groups. Real experience with real results. That’s what I bring to the table.
Having assisted in the marketing and organization of over 45 automotive conferences spanning 7 years, I can assist anyone wishing to hold an event for an automotive dealer audience to craft a compelling event filled with quality speakers designed to educate dealers in all areas of retail automotive. Regardless of length or size of the event, I’ve been there and I can help you do it successfully.
Content Writing
In today’s world filled with noise, quality content is vital to having a digital presence that matters not only to your customers but to search engines. Whether you are looking for blog articles or full-length articles specifically written for trade publications, I can help. Through my career that has encompassed the spectrum of automotive, I’m able to create compelling content at high levels which you can use to better get your message out and increase your exposure. Content is king. You need it. I’ll write it.