As Digital Dealer approaches, I’m reminded of how important it is to stay knowledgeable and current on industry trends and best practices.
The speakers at the conference offer a wealth of information that are invaluable to dealers and present an opportunity to pick the brains of the best and brightest. I know that whenever I attended, I left with ideas and strategies that I could implement immediately upon my return to enhance or improve my online marketing strategies.
We should all strive to learn continuously and better ourselves. If you get so set in your ways that you think you know it all, that’s when you become stagnant. Stay sharp and on top of your game. There’s not a lot of job security in our industry but the more indispensable you make yourself, the more security you will have. Rather than being the hunter in an economy with a 10% unemployment rate, you will be hunted.
Whether you are able to attend conferences or not, use the tools available to you to enhance yourself. If they’re not provided for you, don’t use that as an excuse. Get them yourself.
I had the opportunity to attend a Grant Cardone conference early in my career and made an investment in his training material. Prior to that, I had not been provided with any tools. It was the best decision I ever made and I can tell you that I went from making an average salary to six figures within 2 months.
Recently, I’ve been reading Seth Godin. He offers a lot of great self-motivation and practical advice on how to think about things in a different way.
Be powerful. You are your own best resource.