There are many writers in this world that are more prolific than myself. Apparently tech companies like ChatGPT are using all of the contents of the Internet to train their AI software… to mimic and produce content based on others’ work… without their permission. Soon, the toaster will cook your toast based on what it thinks you need, not what you want. Like dark toast? Well, today you get light toast or, perhaps, it thinks you shouldn’t be eating toast at all and refuses to make it. Sentient AI will eventually make our decisions for us. For now, it is learning from us. And stealing that content. What happens when it knows more than us? Skynet. For now, it will just replace writers and content creators.
“Given enough time, a monkey randomly striking keys on a typewriter will end up banging out a copy of Hamlet.” [LINK]
Well, it seems as if AI is following this theorem. It will just need less time.
Hasta La Vista and RIP, writers.